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  1. J

    When people are talking about wake window times (i.e. 1.5/1.75/1.75/2) do they have set nap lengths as well?

    @nathan_jucal At least for me and my 3.5 month old, nap length depends on when they last ate. If it’s approaching 3-4 hours since she last ate, I’ll wake her up. Some parents may say never wake a sleeping child, but my baby is almost too good of a napper and could go 2-3+ hours if she wanted...
  2. J

    My 4 week old daughter cried a lot and can’t be consoled. Don’t know if I should switch formula or not

    @mjwise We were in a similar situation around 3-4 weeks of age where my little one would look so uncomfortable and be fussy and gassy. She still pooped 2-3 times a day but would just have the most audible poops and be gassy all day. At her one month appointment, we mentioned this to her...