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  1. J

    Can’t Lose the Damn Weight - 2 Years Postpartum

    @morirach Not the person you asked, but I am sort of like this. I am pretty careful about my food intake and I exercise pretty frequently (4-5 mile runs 4x a week). For me, the exercise is really important for my mental health, and to be honest, feeling confident and like I “look good” is also...
  2. J

    Any basis to “babies don’t know they’re separate from mom until x age”?

    @bornagainrealist I’ve usually seen it in the context of “daycare or sleep training is bad”. Sometimes I see it mentioned when a mom asks whether it’s weird their baby likes everyone except them (I.e. “no that’s normal for them to smile at dad/grandma/nanny/teacher but not you, your baby thinks...