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  1. C

    8 month old suddenly waking 4-6x a night after months of being a “good sleeper.” What am I doing wrong?

    @jimhempel Baby sleep isn’t linear! Sometimes they sleep good and sometimes they don’t. You aren’t doing anything wrong.
  2. C

    Can a baby be 'too attached'?

    @corsican Yeah, it’s hard. We are both pretty good at acknowledging that the situation just sucks for everyone. He feels rejected and I feel burnt out. I always remind him (and myself) that one day she will want him more than me. He helps out with so many other things, which helps with my burn out.
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    Can a baby be 'too attached'?

    @corsican Yeah, same! Dad is on the trip with us and she still just wants me. It’s a lot. I try to remind myself one day dad will be the preferred parent and I’ll probably be sad about it. 😂
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    Can a baby be 'too attached'?

    @reformedjen Going through the same thing with my almost 11 month old at the moment. We are out of town visiting family and her separation anxiety is definitely higher than normal. She just wants mom. It makes sense. Everything is so different and new. I’m her safe space.