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  1. C

    Science on babywearing forward facing, M position and hip dysplasia?

    @katrina2017 I just did a search, I can’t find a single thing linking narrow-based baby carriers to hip dysplasia, but there are a lot of studies indicating that wide-based carriers may be beneficial for hip development.
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    Science on babywearing forward facing, M position and hip dysplasia?

    @neilhall I forgot to mention that I had a baby who was at risk for hip dysplasia due to breech positioning, and I was told to avoid swaddling (sleep sacks and “hip healthy” swaddling were ok), prolonged time in the car seat, and babywearing in the cradle position in ring slings or in...
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    Science on babywearing forward facing, M position and hip dysplasia?

    @tenesia I personally don’t love it (for ergonomic reasons and because having to turn the baby around after 20 minutes is a hassle), but lots of people want to do it and I can understand why. Yes, back carrying is more ergonomic, but also it is more daunting and has safety concerns as well...
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    Science on babywearing forward facing, M position and hip dysplasia?

    @tenesia Take a look at the article I linked. Also, here’s another one: Note that the research focuses on infants who have risk factors for hip dysplasia or...
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    Science on babywearing forward facing, M position and hip dysplasia?

    @neilhall I’m glad you asked this question, I think you are right that there really is not much actual research out there on this topic. I found this review article interesting: What I gleaned from this is that hip dysplasia is most likely...