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  1. N

    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @pastorchrisparker I see it this way—in this society, we readily use available chemicals that help improve our lives of all types and varying toxicity. In cases of cancer, we even inject them into our veins (or have doctors do it) to save our lives. Any scientific authority will tell you the...
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @randall1022 And now we’re the brave ones for NOT breastfeeding. Hah. Funny how no matter what we choose, as women, there’ll be someone to demonize us for it!
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @adastrasalem Exactly! I’m so glad he’s happy and healthy and thriving :) My boy is the same way, many tried to push me to BF but I could tell he was starving... if I had “kept trying” instead of “giving up” (🙄) he probably wouldn’t be here today. F yeah formula!! ✌️💖
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @kadee That’s extremely sketch. I definitely don’t trust the “baby-friendly” agenda, especially when it comes at the expense of the mother. And are they truly making any kind of real, social change? What is the goal exactly?
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @pastorchrisparker That’s the irony, the women’s lib movement teamed up with La Leche fundamendalists due to similar goals regarding BF, yet their morals couldn’t have been more different. The group formed due to their stringent Catholic belief that as “Mary made enough milk for Christ, so...
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @pastorchrisparker Of course, I’m glad to offer a differing perspective from the bourgoisie faux-naturalism that’s so rapidly infecting popular opinion these days ;) It’s all around us lately, and it can be extraordinarily tough not to give into the pressure. You’ve absolutely hit the nail on...
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    BF v FF shame and “attachment theory”

    @pastorchrisparker Breastfeeding is unequivocally and unabashedly overrated. I’m convinced it’s part of a larger agenda to put women “back in the home,” so to speak, and diminish the modern technological advancements that have allowed us to advance as a gender-class. This is also evidenced by...