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  1. J

    r/regretfulparents is a sobering & important reddit to read through when waiting/fencesitting

    r/regretfulparents is a subreddit filled with very honest & empathetic people, many who love their kids but did not realize the true weight of their actions. You do not need to be a parent to join, but keep your comments to yourself unless you're expressing empathy/support for the parent. This...
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    Baby fever is so strong b/c it's the 1 thing I know I can do right

    @justintime25 Thank you for the validation & comment!
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    Baby fever is so strong b/c it's the 1 thing I know I can do right

    @katrina2017 Jeez! Yeah that is super stressful. And yeah I keep having to convince my youngest brother to stop buying cute 3-5+ yr old toys and clothes because he's going to fill his apartment to the brim lmao. But it's heavy on my heart. Im so glad they're excited but I wish I had set my life...
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    Baby fever is so strong b/c it's the 1 thing I know I can do right

    @katrina2017 I hear you, that definitely makes sense. It doesn't help that my family is very supportive and constantly talks about being excited about my kids and helping us so often. So I know we would be fine having a kid right now even without me having a great job and owning a house...
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    Baby fever is so strong b/c it's the 1 thing I know I can do right

    @katrina2017 I feel this so much. Having fish and a dog helped but damn. I dream of waking up to a crying baby who just needs me and my adoring husband to live each day. It's such a weird desire I feel in my bones. Someone I dont have to prove myself to or defend my actions to. Someone who...
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    Can’t believe I’ve stumbled across this community ❤️

    @smorganmackay We're hitting 7 years waiting ourselves, I'm wishing you the best!! We are hitting our 3 yr wedding anniversary in 2 months! You guys got this!
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    Baby fever is so strong b/c it's the 1 thing I know I can do right

    @df80 Thank you for saying it out loud. It makes me feel less crazy. I've read some articles and listened to podcasts about specifically women in CS and so many of us have imported syndrome. I fucking hate it. I have it with art as well. Idk where it comes from but its ridiculous. So many men...
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    Baby fever is so strong b/c it's the 1 thing I know I can do right

    @df80 Im in that limbo place where I just don't know of im good enough for anything else. I want to be a programmer so badly, I have terrible imposter syndrome where I feel like I'm just kidding myself with being good at anything. Else despite loving school and enjoying learning programming. I...
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    Baby fever is so strong b/c it's the 1 thing I know I can do right

    TLDR at bottom. I've been realizing this lately. My baby fever comes at times when I dont have a lot going on or when I'm super stressed/feeling like a failure. I know I can be a good mom. I've babysat, I've worked at a daycare for 8-11 1-2 yr olds, I have 3 siblings, I've had younger...
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    TTC Newbie

    @williamk I love this place! I have been a part of the sub for 2 months I believe and have loved inviting ppl from WTT! Ive spoken about it more than a couple times and highly reccomend it! The privacy is a wonderful addition. A FANTASTIC resource for anyone but especially grads looking for a...
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @spazmoidfry Cool, I wish you the best!
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @spazmoidfry Thank you for sharing so much knowledge! It's really cool meeting someone who has done as much research as I have! If not more lol I also didn't like the whole 6 pills a day some have! I think thats what I didntlike about naturelo because they had a nice prenatal too but I dont...
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @spazmoidfry As a planner I barely saw anything about them! I was stunned considering there are so many! Even my doctor was like "whichever" 🙃 So I was happy to ask advices but a lot of ppl weren't really interested lmao or just downright mad so whateva! Super happy this has helped someone...
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @spazmoidfry Hey lovely! I ended up getting a blood test and talking to my dr about her reccomendstions! She suggested no extra iron just to add more iron-y foods & vitamin d drops (2k UI) for now and everything else looked great! I LOVE the multivitamin! I can tell a true physical...
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @vhialemon Youre one of the few with positive inputs so I really appreciate you! Thank you for sharing your own plans! I ended up getting a bloodiest result that said my iron and vitamisn were good so I ended up dropping the iron one c: Idk if I put it on there but I've also been having 2...
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @tylerbiblethumper Thats amazing! Well done! So cool to see someone with an in-depth plan as my own! I dont want to overwhelm myself with food requirements outside of the "eat Mediterranean-ish diet" and colorful veggies. I dont want to feel guilt or have an unhealthy relationship ship with...
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @yakuda I appreciate your feedback! It's cool to hear someone with a similar plan! My plan is to space out the pills, I think the Vitamin D is also drops so that helps. I actually have a plan for taking them as some vitamins are better to take together and some are counter intuitive. I've...
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @peoplelove Love that!! And all the research! I'll definitely check them out! Loving the convo of this thread!
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @susieandcharcoal Cool! I'll have to check those out too, just in case c:
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    Judge my Prenatal Viamin Regime! or Steal some ideas!

    @dichthuatsaigon Nice! Looks like I'll need to do a bit of added research on the iron as well. I know I dont get enough protein, so I feel like it's a self-fulfillinf prophecy I'll need the added iron anyway lmao.