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  1. C

    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @edwina958 Thanks. I wish you well as you find your own balance.
  2. C

    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @arrenwatp I wish you the very best with your little one on the way! You’re absolutely right that attempting a 100% covid-risk free life would have risks that are (for many of us) far worse than the risk of covid itself. I’m lucky than none of my kids have significant risk factors beyond the...
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @elpasoautotransport You’re kind. I find our perspective makes some more risk averse folks very uncomfortable, and on the other hand it’s downright offensive to my unvaxxed family members… sigh. This is not an easy time to be a parent, and at the end of the day each of us has to find our own...
  4. C

    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @edwina958 I hear you. We have a 5 year old (in kindergarten), a 2 year old, and a 3 month old. Husband and I are both double-vaxxed and will be boosted when it comes our turn (not yet where we’re at). Given that we decided that homeschooling was not the best option for our eldest, we had to...