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    Best Hygiene Products for Newborns

    @computergal I'm not like other moderately granola moms in this area because I find that the marketing, pricing, etc for hygiene products can be very misleading. I mostly use what I would use on myself - I like single ingredient products like water, mineral oil, and vaseline during the early...
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 We went with vanilla gymnastics for this reason, and we'll do a year of that before choosing something else. We're also thinking of martial arts. it doesn't need to be ballet specifically, she can wear a tutu to gymnastics for instance.
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    A reminder about our rules on asking for medical advice

    @wypimom2 Thanks for correcting it. Doctors are really, really bad at that kind of advice though. Generalists (OBs, family medicine, GP) routinely tell moms on psychiatric medications to stop cold turkey when they test positive, just because they fall under Schedule B (no known risks but not...
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    A reminder about our rules on asking for medical advice

    @wypimom2 It's really hard to define what is medical advice, but number 3 on your list is wrong. If someone doesn't provide any personal information then it cannot be medical advice.
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    Unplanned 3rd

    @scrooge I don't like pregnancy at all but I've done it twice and I know I will do it again. I did take antidepressants throughout all my pregnancies and recently increased my dosage. It definitely helped me. I think panadol is less safe than antidepressants.
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    Am I ever going to sleep again?

    @3angels Any chance of undoing the crib transition?
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    "butts aren't shaped like triangles" any toddler underwear shaped like Tiny Undies?

    @dtoo22 is one example! not very crunchy but at least they fit my body.
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    IKEA carbon steel pan has PFAS?

    @timonrhoff I think you're right, I checked everywhere to see what their PFAS policy was for other categories and didnt find it anywhere. That seriously needs to be fixed.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @souldevice Message the mods, and then post it as a separate post! Also I would do the same in r/mommit. You need to make it more visible.
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    IKEA carbon steel pan has PFAS?

    @shiney77 Even more puzzling is that PFAS is banned from IKEA.
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    Lead anxiety

    @learning1 We've used home tests successfully to identify lead.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @jinsun I don't think that was the science they were pointing at - do you have a link to yours? News to me. I thought they just formed secondary attachment with the daycare provider.
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    "butts aren't shaped like triangles" any toddler underwear shaped like Tiny Undies?

    @simondarok vs these:
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    "butts aren't shaped like triangles" any toddler underwear shaped like Tiny Undies?

    @arianwen I'm referring to these: vs these:
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    Best Hygiene Products for Newborns

    @patersonchristian This is how my cousin developed a potentially deadly peanut allergy.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @angelod Haha - I banned her from my own sub in retaliation.
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    "butts aren't shaped like triangles" any toddler underwear shaped like Tiny Undies?

    @arianwen Sorry, my post was not very clear. Not boxers - just "box shaped" briefs.
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    Thyroid question help

    @fallenchristian This is the advice my midwives followed and I took levothyroxine for two pregnancies.
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    Best Hygiene Products for Newborns

    @pandabear84 People are very concerned that use of such lotions on weak skin like skin weakened by eczema can trigger severe food allergies. There's studies around nut allergies and lotions and eczema, but there's still a lot they don't know.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @christfollower1993 The mod was a little problematic. She had her username hidden for that group but since she also mods r/breastfeedingsupport I was able to look her up. Looks like she hasn't been online much lately.