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    Battery Toys w/o an Off Switch

    @faithfulflower913 yup
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @girl4god86 i had a rough pregnancy with mental health and we had a genetic diagnosis at 13 months that left me solidly OAD
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    OAD because sleep!

    @stripe thanks!!
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    OAD because sleep!

    @stripe i’m in therapy and on meds. it got real dark for awhile a couple months ago. the nights are bad.
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    OAD because sleep!

    @katrina2017 i fear every night too. it’s enough to cause suicidal ideation for me. i just want a 7 year old already!
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    OAD because sleep!

    @calebm i have severe anxiety and depression because of my kid’s habits. i’m getting too much sleep but none of it is restful or restorative because he comes in with me and fusses. last night he was in some fugue state of being at 11pm wakeup and wouldnt go back down. and he insists on cuddling...
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    She just turned 4…

    @butterflies we have a sleep consultant starting next week so hopefully good sleep is on the way!
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    She just turned 4…

    @butterflies mine is on a steroid protocol for croup and it’s been hell. he’s been awake since 3am. well, i’ve been awake. he’s napped. i fear the night.
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    She just turned 4…

    @butterflies also have a 3.5yo and can confirm that this age suuuuuucks