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  1. B

    WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

    @jellofishxo I think it’s up to you and how you feel your child would do. If those people are saying your child is ready though, I would strongly recommend that he go. I have a summer birthday, July, and I went to preschool at 3 years old. Kindergarten at 5. I never struggled with anything...
  2. B

    First pregnancy ended with a loss.. Need some advice on what to expect.

    @luin31 I also didn’t bleed after my levels reached 0. I stopped bleeding when my levels reached under 100. They weren’t concerned since my last ultrasound showed an empty uterus
  3. B

    First pregnancy ended with a loss.. Need some advice on what to expect.

    @luin31 My levels were higher, 1700 something, and i miscarried between 6.5-7 weeks. I bled for an entire week, but I never did have super heavy bleeding, clotting, or pain. I believe the bleeding prior to the miscarriage just kind of broke the sac. It could have been totally normal for you...