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  1. K

    C section aftercare: a warning

    @djp2240 The key, I’ve learned, is drugs. Just all the drugs they give you 🙃.
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @jale66 Oh dear I’m sorry. That sounds uncomfortable af.
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @katrina2017 THIS. This is so important and thank you for mentioning it. I’ve been fortunate enough to have had a major surgery in the past so I am keenly aware of this phenomenon. Take meds, walk a bit, then rest , y’all. Your body will thank you for not killing it the second you feel well...
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @ccrena360 Oh boy this. Forgot to mention the pain increases with bladder fullness.
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    Those who had a C-section, what were you able to do for baby while recovering from surgery?

    @blessedbythebest88 I'm exactly two weeks out from my second unplanned c-section, and I'm starting to feel a little better. I've only lifted the baby, and any diaper changes I've done have been from a sitting position in bed. My partner has done everything from housework to keeping me fed...
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @polarbearwear I see! Happy to know I didn’t offend though it was a nice reminder for me to include a note for any FTM that worry about going through a section. So thank you for that 😊 Being a student and knowing what may be expected with a section, your feelings are so valid . I hope your...
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    How the F am I supposed to exercise if my body is garbage?

    @jack986 I’m unfamiliar with DR but thank you for the resource! It is so hard trying to lose weight to begin with and when conventional means are no longer applicable its just that much harder.
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @lily01 You can still breastfeed while taking oxycodone. As far as sleepiness... idk it’s our first night home and the adrenaline has done a good job keeping me awake when I need to be 😅 I’ve been able to get up and pick up baby but my partner has helped a lot with maneuvering pillows and...
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @lily01 Of course! I was scared shitless being wheeled to the operating room so I am happy to ease any anxieties for anyone who may have to go through a section for the first time. So far, the tylenol and ibuprofen on a strict every-4-to-6-hr schedule has been helpful. I’m still mildly sore...
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    How the F am I supposed to exercise if my body is garbage?

    So long story short we had a (welcome) surprise pregnancy almost immediately after I recovered from an abdominal surgery which has come back to haunt me in the last few months. I am 16 months PP. Apparently my abdominal muscles splitting in half to house a fetus before they could fully heal...
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @polarbearwear Oh dear I am so sorry. I had no intention of scaring anyone and I truly apologize. The only reason this moment is painful for me is because I forgot to take medicine like I was supposed to. I did the big dumb. If you remember your meds, this moment of peril can be avoided...
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @coleson Oh absolutely! I believe both resting and being active where possible are definitely compatible. Just a matter of the balance with rest and activity as well as being careful with how you’re active. I shudder to think of where I’d be physically if I didn’t force myself to get up and...
  13. K

    C section aftercare: a warning

    ETA: Yo let me preface this with a note that my c-section was a beautiful experience and, until this moment, has not been terribly difficult to heal from in the last few days. Yes I’m sore but it’s like a “I just ran a couple miles for the first time in a year” sore. Bearable new work out pain...