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  1. T

    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    @james02s40 Maybe feed them some food before you go, and the rest at the restaurant. Play around with the idea. You do seem to understand that some of the problem is related to your anxiety and issues from your childhood as well though, so I would start there. Try to make restaurants fun...
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    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    @james02s40 Have you tried feeding the kids before you go, and then just let them try some of the food there in a pleasant way?
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 You're doing a great job. It takes time to learn that stuff!
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 Daycare teaches structure more than anything. Like, at 10am we all put on our boots and play outside for an hour. Then we have snack, then quiet time, then lunch, then read books etc etc. Basically they learn to follow adult instructions and not just do what THEY want to do all day. They...
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 If you're worried about them missing out on the learning opportunities daycare provides, it's mostly structure, stimulation and socializing outside of the home. If you can fit that into your routine at home, you'll have the best of both worlds!