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  1. T

    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    @spence Yep! Arms in, arms out, 1 arm in, etc. Gone through 4 or 5 different swaddles. She prefers the ones that have the little weights built into them with arms out. They definitely calm her, just not enough to stay down.
  2. T

    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    @lewisofthenorth Gives me hope that it's coming in the next few weeks
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    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    @garchris Have not but we could definitely give that a shot. I'll make mom wear the bassinet sheet if I have to 😅. I honestly think it might help down the road when she isn't immediately aware she's not in someone's arms vs waking up after being down for a while and realizing it. But at this...
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    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    @annelisethomas We do mixed feedings due to her supply not being that great, so most of her feeding is from a bottle. It would definitely be an option if possible. People frown upon chair sleeping too, and I completely understand, but sometimes it's necessary to survive. I can't reliably sleep...
  5. T

    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    Wow, didn't expect to see this many responses! I really appreciate all of the feedback and suggestions. Just knowing that other people have been there and made it out alive gives me hope that I desperately need. I've got many new things to look into now. Safe co-sleeping might be the way for...
  6. T

    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    I'm physically and emotionally numb at this point. I thought my 1st kid was bad when she'd only lay down for 45 minutes at a time, startle and then have to be soothed and put back down for an entire night (for roughly months 2-4). My wife and I did shifts then and made it until sleep training...