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  1. C

    Nobody told me. From a recent graduate:

    @keoann Good list, button down shirt is a really good idea. Will be using that! Re: swaddle - bring your own swaddle blankets, the ones that they have at the hospital are often just small receiving blankets. Hard as hell to swaddle with vs the larger muslin swaddle blankets. Nurses have some...
  2. C

    Nobody told me. From a recent graduate:

    @bf2008 I should add, my advice was based on the US, mileage may vary. And if you have something very specific, then probably wouldn't hurt to bring, you just want to talk to the nurses/ doctors before giving any meds to Mom.
  3. C

    Nobody told me. From a recent graduate:

    @bf2008 As an admitted patient, the ospital should be able to pull Mom's records and provide any needs needed, and will want to provide meds. Dad is on his own though.
  4. C

    Losing it; 2 y/o awake for hours at a time. How to break the cycle?

    @maxinvasion Had the same with our youngest. Bad news is he got to about 2y7m before he's now sleeping consistently. Good news he's sleeping through the night pretty consistently. Bad news again, he wakes up between 5-6am, but I can work with that. The biggest thing I can say is to focus on...