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  1. K

    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @cookgokey_angel The op was talking about how they were low carb leading up to their diagnosis.. so I thought preventative information would be important too. But yeah I didn't have gestational diabetes with my first or with my current pregnancy, but I will definitely enjoy my vegan carbs...
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    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @cookgokey_angel It's almost impossible to argue with someone who will just claim studies are cherry picked. Because no matter what I say you'll just say it's invalid because of that. I'm not an expert, but that's why I like pcrm and, because they make it easy to understand...
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    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @cookgokey_angel These organizations are science based. There is lots of research out there showing the connection between animal products and diabetes. I'm sure there are other factors too, I just meant that carbs are not the enemy when it comes to diabetes. Fat in the muscle cells are, which...
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    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @cgi2099 Not sure how those groups are militant? They focus on plant based nutrition, they aren't PETA.
  5. K

    gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

    @plope132 From what I've learned, carbs are not the culprit. Animals products are, so low carb could actually increase your risk. "A more...