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    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    @soulfree This!! Beyond the fact that this is a village, we should all be able to nicely remind another child how to play fair.
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    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    @sadiqur I have a neurodivergent child and that’s no excuse for poor behavior. Yes it’s always nice to have compassion and remember that hurt people, hurt people but what does that teach the 2yo? Accept being shoved and walk away bc that kid might have a hard life? Nothing wrong with a stern...
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    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    @sadiqur How is saying don’t push and give the carrot back “scolding” I’m curious what they should do? Nothing? Just move the 2yo on and let the 6yo have the carrot?
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    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    @daryle There’s gold in this?? Where? I’ve been a SAHP for 10 years now, and though I’ve found a lot of shit, no gold for me 😭
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    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    @sakura656 From what others say here I guess what you’re supposed to do is scream loudly at the top of your lungs “where is this wonderful child’s mother?! She needs to come speak to her child right away!!!”
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    Am I the bad guy

    @katrina2017 I am projecting? Ok 👍
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    Am I the bad guy

    @katrina2017 Well that’s a great feeling. I feel like this question was indeed about parenting shifts and this is how we work different sleep schedules in the house. Or she can go on being resentful and never look for a solution. Whatever.
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    Am I the bad guy

    @jlkuhioe One of those you’re not doing the morning routine “alone” as that is the day! I’m so happy my kiddo is also a night kid, as I am, so the two of us usually go to bed 11:30/12, and wake up 8:30/9:30. My husband is a morning guy so he wakes our older 2 for school, does lunches, morning...
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    Keeping house tidy

    @wh2 I’ve given up personally. We’re neat, it’s never disgusting, filthy, or moldy. Clean clothes in baskets. Plenty of food. I try to look at it like if we have dishes that means we ate at home and everyone is fed, if there’s dirty clothes that mean we all played hard and got dirty. When the...
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    Keeping house tidy

    @paker Whew but what about sleep??? And relaxing? I’d be so cranky!!
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    Keeping house tidy

    @wh2 It doesn’t work like that for those of us who need it lol it actually slows our thinking down.