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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @edwina958 Not much is changing. Kid still has to go to daycare unfortunately, so pulling him isn’t an option. If it was, that would probably be the one big change we’d make. Otherwise he still hasn’t been going anywhere unneeded and doesn’t go around unvaccinated relatives. I had just started...
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @alyakim Ahh, I thought they gave 10mcg to the young groups in phase 1. I know 30mcg was originally in phase 1 for 5-11 and was eliminated due to effects, thought that was what happened here.
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    How/are you changing what your <5 y.o. does in light of Omicron and the Pfizer vaccine trial issues?

    @alyakim I’d love to read up on what the undesirable side effects were that made them go from 10mcg to 3mcg and then be given the choice to take my chances with them.
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    I just asked my 3yo to spell his name and he said B-L-I-P-P-I

    @1godsman I told my husband Blippi will be the first thing our kid learns to spell lol