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  1. P

    Need a book recommendation! I have a picky, s l o w eater..

    @michaelweiss Follow on Instagram. She has posts specifically about spending too long at the table and picky eater guides.
  2. P

    How often do you have date night with your partner?

    @jcano Never 😅 very rarely we both have some time off during the day for a quick lunch date while the kids are in daycare/school, but otherwise all of our “dates” are at home after the kids are in bed. We’re intentional about it though and plan out the evening, like a sip and paint night, making...
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    I’m wondering what will happen the day my daughter stops nursing to sleep. Can you share w me your experience?

    @lily_pad_96 We stopped night nursing around 18 months old and she fell asleep by cuddling/getting her back pat while laying next to dad or me. At around 3, she started being able to fall asleep by herself. She’s 4.5 now and can get ready for bed/go to bed completely independently, though we...
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    Work call 9:00 pm it’s Friday night

    @whisper123 I would answer, because my job wouldn’t call me so late unless it really was an emergency. If someone called over something that could just be handled the next business day, I’d ask them not to do that again.
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @craigbrickhill They are 7 and almost 3. My first started sleeping through the night when she was 3, my second started when she was around 20 months old.
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    Preschool before 3 y.o

    @whothesonsetsfreeisfree We started daycare at around 7 months old out of necessity. She’s four now and it hasn’t affected our attachment at all! However, I wouldn’t do it before 3 if socialization is the only goal. It’s literally just this year (in the 3/4s year old room) that the kids are...
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @rhemajoy With cosleeping and side lying nursing, I didn’t have to fully wake up. Once they stopped nursing, my partner was able to handle a lot of the nightly wake ups. It wasn’t easy but once you’re through it, you kind of forget how hard it was.
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @kateetak With my first - I nightweaned at 18 months and she switched to her own room when she was 2. She was excited about getting a new bed and it was an easy transition. She still woke up every 2 hours though until she turned 3 years old, we would just go in her room and pat her back to help...
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @y0ung1996 Sleep is developmental, and what you’re describing sounds 100% normal for an eight month old! It won’t be this way forever. I have two kids (pregnant with my third), and we did not sleep train. I coslept and nursed throughout the night. Both of them sleep through the night in their...