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  1. R

    I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

    @jolene576 Oh I feel this. I was done being pregnant at 37 weeks. I would not have made it to 41! Hopefully they will induce you very soon!
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    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @zazzi Ugh I feel you! I also had anxiety and literally saw a lactation consultant everyday for the first weeks of my daughters life, until I accepted formula feeding full time. With my son, I did literally NOTHING differently. Put him on the boob immediately after birth like I did my daughter...
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    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @strange1 No not at all. He had a great latch and my supply was fine. I didn’t have a supply issue with my daughter either, just a lot of latch issues. I didn’t respond to a pump so dried up pretty quickly with her being formula fed.
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    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @katrina2017 Yeah. He was also a boy. Both of my babies were over the 100th percentile though. They are now normal for weight but still off the charts for height.
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    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    @glen101 Literally ignore this advice unless she’s spitting up all of her feeds or something. I had one exclusively formula fed baby and one exclusively breastfed baby. Both babies gained multiple pounds every month and we like above the 100th percentile for height and weight. Huge, fat babies...