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  1. W

    So this morning I hear my 2.5 yo son yelling “F*ck!!! F*ck!!! F*ck!!! “

    @ericab If anything it has the reverse effect on my kids. They’re absolutely ADHD and a little bit of caffeine truly does wonders to simmer things down a bit on occasion.
  2. W

    So this morning I hear my 2.5 yo son yelling “F*ck!!! F*ck!!! F*ck!!! “

    @jam44 My 4 year old was running through a Costco screaming “fukken asshole” and laughing like a maniac because she knows it gets a rise out of me. It’s hard to tell her it’s inappropriate while holding in the laughs myself.
  3. W

    wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?

    @absalonby To be fair I ask myself this question pretty often.