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  1. P

    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @prodigalheart Ehhh, I can see your point. I very rarely leave her to her own devices regarding food, but she’s very picky and there are occasions she doesn’t want what I cook. In those moments she’s completely capable of ensuring she eats something nutritious and preparing that herself. I don’t...
  2. P

    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @scottwilson My 13 year old is like this and because she has a 3 year old brother it’s not quite as maddening as it WILL be when she’s older. She’s lazy and knows she’ll get hungry but then will refuse to make any form of real food. I recently enacted a rule that she needs to eat protein for...
  3. P

    I am at my wits end with my daughter’s (16f) sleep schedule. Any advice, kind words and virtual hugs accepted

    @k3at Just one lady’s opinion here, but…She doesn’t want to sleep. I don’t think it’s that she can’t, it’s that there aren’t consequences for not sleeping. You let her go in late, have all her possessions, get bad grades. Sleep is a biological function. She sleeps. She just is clearly finding it...
  4. P

    Manipulative 12 yo with mental illnesses

    @mumofthree So, my daughter suffers from much of the same symptoms as yours. No formal diagnoses other than ADHD, but when we have taken her access to the internet away, she becomes a different and wonderful person after a few days. She socializes, she’s pleasant and funny. When she gets too...