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  1. L

    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    Side lying sometimes makes him fall asleep before getting a full feed :/ so I’ve stopped doing those for the most part as I feel it just makes the feeding process longer. But I’m glad it’s something working for you!
  2. L

    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    @scientia I’ve felt relief as well reading other posts that echo my feelings and concerns, it’s definitely nice knowing I’m not alone. Hopefully we all turn a corner soon! I’ve definitely had times where I just opt to let LO sleep on me while I scroll all the apps on my phone 🙃
  3. L

    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    @dixieheart Something I’ve started recently is trying to get LO to sleep around sunset via contact nap (not my fave method) since it’s finally dark enough, it actually works and is that earlier bedtime you might be referring to. That gives me some alone time afterwards to either talk to an adult...
  4. L

    Calling contact nappers/bad daytime nappers

    LO (3 months) has such a hard time with daytime naps. The slightest noise will startle him, it’s often hard for him to fall asleep and needs to be rocked for several minutes/constantly. During his first 6-8 weeks of life he was able to nap better but since then I feel like it’s so hard to get...