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    My girlfriend missed 2 pills, but doesn’t remember when

    @redwine57 Sounds like a good idea. She’s also gonna call her doctor tomorrow just to be safe.
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    My girlfriend missed 2 pills, but doesn’t remember when

    @vitalik360 When you say keep taking them as normal, do you mean continue on the trend of two days behing?
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    My girlfriend missed 2 pills, but doesn’t remember when

    @graceacation That sounds like a good idea, but I’m not sure it would work for her since she’s just starting pack 2 of 3, so her refill won’t be for a while. She missed some in pack 1, but she has still taken all of them, just exactly two days behind. I’m not really sure how they work, so I’m a...
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    My girlfriend missed 2 pills, but doesn’t remember when

    @franciszhuswc Sounds good, I think I’ll tell her that. The thing is, I’m usually supposed to give her the pill, but she’s out of town with her family on spring break, so I understand her forgetting. I’m not ridiculously worried, I just wanted to be sure it wouldn’t harm her.
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    My girlfriend missed 2 pills, but doesn’t remember when

    @franciszhuswc The thing is with that, she isn’t sure which ones were missed, or even if they were 2 days in a row. She’s taken every one, she’s just currently on Monday instead of Wednesday. She isn’t sure where the missed pills happened
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    My girlfriend missed 2 pills, but doesn’t remember when

    My girlfriend typically takes them at 9pm every day, but noticed today that she took the Monday pill (it’s Wednesday). She isn’t sure which ones she missed. We aren’t really sure what she should do. Should she just skip up in the pack? Or should she try to catch up?