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    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    @texfire316 The studies I linked above? I did not select the article that I pulled from ( So if you have a concern regarding the study design, take it up with the upper, upper comment from which it comes. I pulled and quoted from the article cited by...
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    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    @sarebear1992 I disagree that no one is saying there are no benefits. People are acting like OP is insane for questioning, for example, the implications for diabetes risk re formula vs breast milk. Plenty of data exist to at least make that a reasonable question to ask, but you wouldn’t know it...
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    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    @sarebear1992 I know. I think the additional text is also informative. I elected to just copy/paste rather than attempt to summarize so the interested reader can gather more of what the authors wrote/published without tracking down the full-text article. If I wasn’t at all familiar with the...
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    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    @sarebear1992 Hm, out of interest I grabbed one of your links at random (this one: More context from the authors seems pertinent… “In spite of the solid evidence demonstrating major health benefits associated with BF, including risk reduction for...
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    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    @olamide I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted for simply asking a question. There are absolutely studies that show a correlation between the absence of breastfeeding and some increased risk of adverse outcomes. It’s important to keep in mind that (a) it’s very difficult to tease apart the effects...
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    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    @sarebear1992 Yes, that is likely playing a role! I cited that article and pulled those quotes simply to show that OP’s concern wasn’t some asinine question totally divorced from the extant literature on the topic. OP was asked to identify the sources that prompted her concerns, so I provided...
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    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    @sarebear1992 Here’s one. Just an example. From my read overall, the literature is very much still evolving (and again, it’s still so difficult to account for all potential confounders!!). It’s truly a complex and emotionally fraught research question. (Impressive how so many Redditors have it...
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    Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

    @katrina2017 Just a quick note to say one of these links doesn’t appear to be a scholarly source and the other one explicitly states it cannot speak to OP’s concern re: impact of feeding on risk of metabolic dysfunction. “Some caveats about the validity of our estimates are also in order. One...