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    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @ajhnh I guess it would depend on the child, but in general, I do not think I would allow anything like this until they were like seniors, and heading off to college anyway. Fifteen seems young to me. I have read more and more social media posts about this; I think it is sort of a side effect...
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    Are teens supposed to be this tired?

    @jen1458 That’s good. I am not trying to be oppositional but where we live … My kids would not be screened for sleep apnea or sleep disorders, on routine well-visits or a check-up for other chronic condition, as it’s just not that common. But in my opinion, even tired teens should “wake up...
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    Are teens supposed to be this tired?

    @jen1458 What does the pediatrician say? Teens being tired — sure. Especially when they are growing — yes! But “waking up after 9 hours of sleep & still tired” — I would want to rule out sleep apnea, other sleep disorders, and medical problems.
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    @tyler234 You have gotten great advice. But I just want to reiterate, this is not a strong willed teen. This is a teen that is mentally unwell, and needs help yesterday. You need family and individual help with a good psychotherapist.
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @scottwilson I could understand how that would be frustrating. I am fortunate that my kids seem to regulate their need to eat fairly well (or at least so far, my youngest is only 10). But our family culture may be a bit different than yours: I married into an Italian family and they very much...
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    What do you expect and experience with your teens eating habits?

    @scottwilson I provide nightly dinners, otherwise all 3 of my children (16M, 14M, 10F) feed themselves based on the food available. I do not really have problems with them getting hangry or being mean to me. But, no, there food choices are not always the healthiest (5 bowls of cereal, 6...
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    My 12f cousin is posting sexual content on Snapchat, parents won’t let her go to school

    @mellowesile I feel these are two different issues. Going to school does not address sexuality and inappropriate online behavior. Nor does not going to school cause such behavior. I personally would address the Snapchat thing with her directly, discuss sexuality, online safety, dating...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe I get it, I think, it sucks to be with an emotionally neglectful partner. Does he have any redeeming qualities? I mean if you are in therapy, they probably are better equipped to answer your questions & provide guidance? I am in a relationship with a 80/20 type household/childcare...
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    Deep breath and here we go

    @carlosbroch I echo others. Have him evaluated for ADHD, even if he does not have it — read “smart but scattered Teens” and do those exercises with him, as it addresses challenges in executive functioning, which whether your sons are bad enough or not for a formal diagnosis, he definitely us...
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    Why I'm quitting

    @osvaldo Congrats on your new job…I feel this…after reading your story, i have reflected upon mine… With my first pregnancy, I had 72 hours of irregular contractions, which as a ftm, since they were so irregular & my due date was over 2 weeks away, I thought they were Braxton Hicks. By the 48...
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    Can’t stop missing the younger years

    @proangel I know! It is so hard to say good-bye to the person they used to be, and accept the completely different person they are now in the moment. I have struggled with it since toddlerhood, and teen years are just as hard, if not a bit worse, because it marks the start of their path to leave...
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    Teenage Son (16) abusing the sober ride home

    @giobob What does your therapist say? What does your lawyer say? Do you have one that specializes in these type of issues? Anyway, I am so sorry! This sounds devastating & exhausting. I have a sibling that was in a similar situation and their child was in a motor vehicle accident and sustained...
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    AITA - Dinner time

    @convictionofgod I can only half-way relate, maybe it is the age? My 16-year-old is a bit more picky than ever, BUT what I cannot relate to, the gripefest. Nope, nope, nope. My husband would shut that down so fast, totally not OK on our home. Our rule: Any meal that someone has cooked for you...
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    Teen quit school- now what?

    @thedevilaintthatbad I am sorry. That has to be insanely stressful. Unfortunately, the time to let him make his own mistakes is now, as all you can do is listen to him if he talks to you, trying to show unconditional love & connection, so perhaps when the opportunity arises to offer advice on a...
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    Freshman and bad grades

    @sandgroper101 My perspective is different, as I have a high achiever. And I also have a kid with learning disabilities - so his grades suck sometimes because he lacks the ability, but even so, we work with him in motivation: Things that I would suggest: 1) sit down with him every evening...
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    Sanity check- s*xually active teen daughter

    @deanerenata32 Ehhh, mom is just upset (probably at multiple things in the scenario) and directing it towards an ex. I mean, what did she think you were implying when you called about the birth control pills? Obviously we only know your side — but sounds like she was in denial.
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    Manipulative 12 yo with mental illnesses

    @mumofthree I am really sorry you are going through this, it sounds exhausting & so stressful. Full disclosure, I have never had a child try to commit suicide, NOR have I dealt with this in a tween. So my comments may not be helpful But I did struggle with a child when he was young, who would...
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    17 year olds & sex

    @yakob123 It is so hard! I am not at this stage right now. But I would consider the following. It is a quite the emotional transition for you and it’s Ok to have crazy emotional contradictions and emotionally grieve that that immature teen & child that you knew is no longer here, and she...
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    Teen retaliation

    @scottwilson Consider reading “smart but Scattered” teen edition. Have him listen or read it too, if he is willing. It talks about executive function, starting tasks, emotional control, etc. things your son may be struggling with. He’s 17, so honestly, YOU limiting the internet so it sounds like...
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    Is it time for a divorce?

    @margrethe Idk, I bring my own biases into this issue. What if you said, “neither of us seem to have energy to clean the house adequately especially the dishes, it’s been going on like for a while, it is impacting my family’s well-being. So what do you think about budgeting in a housekeeper or...