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  1. S

    Is this a bad reason?

    @dvz Wow. You said you were on the fence and would see if she even asked for one so I was trying to help take the pressure off if she did, as many people find that stressful. I’m not saying anything about not doing what’s best for her. Good luck in your decision.
  2. S

    Is this a bad reason?

    @dvz My point is: you have to do what’s best for you, not if she asks. Do you think she will know what she’s asking for? At three? They ask for ice cream and cookies for meals. Just because they ask for it doesn’t mean they REALLY know what they want or what’s even best for them.
  3. S

    Is this a bad reason?

    @dvz Does it matter if she does ask for a sibling? And what age will it matter? If she asks at 6, the experience she’ll prob be looking for won’t exist for years and might be a disappoint for all. Kids ask for ponies too, but it doesn’t mean a whole lot in reality. I’m struggling deciding too...