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  1. C

    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @mia08 It’s weird if she perceived the word “black” as inappropriate, but I also don’t understand the purpose of you mentioning the race of her friend
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    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @mia08 Yes there's a difference, but how do I explain that to a 1st grader who just learned what race even was like a month ago? And I don't want him saying either one of them anyways
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    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @saltpackage1234 It really is difficult stuff to make age-appropriate for 1st grade. We live in a 99% black neighborhood, and I have never heard my kids mention anything about the race of their friends or themselves until teachers taught them about it. I am all about schools teaching the truth...
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    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @longing4truth No actually I think that part is relatively easy to understand compared to the concept of language reappropriation. I'm hoping it's possible for people to offer actual suggestions in their comments not just using the thread to re-iterate how woke and non-racist they are or...
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    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @onewithfaith Yes I’m white. The other boy was trying to teach it to my kid on my porch and I told him not to. I’m not telling him what he should or shouldn’t say at home or to his other friends
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    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    @katrina2017 I didn't entirely shut it down; I told my son it was a mean word some people say to be mean to black people and told his friend not to say it in front of my kids either. Neither of them made a big deal or discussed it more after that but my 5 year old overheard some of the convo...
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    How do I teach my 7-yr old kid about the "N-word?"

    My (white) son was playing with his (black) friend who is a a couple years older, and talking about cuss words they can't say in school like f-word, s-word, b-word, ect. and the older kid mentioned the N-word. My son asks "what's that?" and his older friend started to say it. I pretty much...