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  1. S

    16 month old doesn’t eat solids. Just stopped the formula bottle cold turkey and I’m going insane with the crying. Anyone else go through this?

    @scienceaf I just wanted to mention ARFID too. Our son has ARFID (he’s also got a chromosomal deletion), and OP, I’m not saying your daughter definitely has ARFID, but keep it on the radar and perhaps consider the likelihood of ARFID with your feeding approaches (to avoid any further anxiety...
  2. S

    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    @daryle I’m a SAHM with two young boys and a baby on the way and I worry so much about not being good enough or achieving enough. However, I’ve never had anyone say anything negative to me about being a SAHP and my husband always thanks me for all the hard work I do. So I’m always so shocked to...