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  1. C

    my bf pulled out BEFORE PRECUM

    @anshu You’re most likely not pregnant.
  2. C

    my bf pulled out BEFORE PRECUM

    @sreya I hear you. I’m sorry for offending you and your girlfriend.
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    my bf pulled out BEFORE PRECUM

    @sreya I wasn’t attacking her, I was just observing it as shocking. I don’t care about her language nor was I judging, I was just observing. Also interesting how you fully baited me to explain more then revealed she is your girlfriend. Seems like you want a fight. Seriously wasn’t attacking her...
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    my bf pulled out BEFORE PRECUM

    @sreya You would think that in a strict eastern country, she would not be using language like that because even in the west, the words she’s using are considered “vulgar” and made a lot of us cringe. As you can read in her post, there is often a fear culture around sex and cursing. It’s...
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    my bf pulled out BEFORE PRECUM

    @sreya That she’s speaking like that with ‘pussy’ and ‘cock’
  6. C

    my bf pulled out BEFORE PRECUM

    @pinejane11 Yeah, was surprised to read she’s in a strict eastern country