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    Mother-in-law offered to come stay with us for the first week or two and I feel guilty that I don’t really want that. Am I being unreasonable?

    @mousa Trust your gut - you can find lots of ways for her to help when and how you feel comfortable.
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    7 weeks 1 day

    @thundergirl96 Maybe, but it won’t be a heartbeat per se. They can pick up on cardiac activity which sounds similar to a heartbeat.
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    When did you start getting morning sickness and what has it been like?

    @mousa I never had the typical morning sickness. I’m easily repulsed but never had bad nausea. I’m 31 weeks. All this after a pregnancy when I was 21 where I was so debilitated I thought I had the flu. For many years I was expecting that and it never came. They say every pregnancy is different...
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    I don’t FEEL pregnant

    @bioluminescence I’m 29 weeks and I feel this way even though the baby is moving alll the time now.
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    Trying to conceive

    @beautyfromathistle There’s no way for him to know that for sure. You could just be experiencing good ole secondary infertility. I personally haven’t looked into this but I would look into the positive and negative impacts of weight loss. Sometimes if you lose weight it can disrupt your fertility.