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  1. J

    I’m broken beyond repair

    @trojie There is light coming to you and your family from Long Island tonight. I am so, so sorry.
  2. J

    I don’t get it

    @15gb2 Haha I love it! Ours used to get sooooo mad when we went to put her down (still does sometimes!), and she learned to scowl very early on; that face always told us that she KNEW that once we'd conned her into falling asleep the best party in the world was going to start. The sleep...
  3. J

    I don’t get it

    @15gb2 Mine was born tiny—not preemie, and no NICU, just miniature—and in five years she’s never become much of a natural eater. Introduced cucumbers at about four months and she’d be perfectly happy eating nothing but. I also had a lower-end milk supply and gigantic tits that she really just...