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  1. T

    Newborn is 7 weeks and has slept maybe a combined 3 hours without being held since birth

    @tshane Our 8 week old is the same. He slept for 10 minutes in the pram today and I actually cried because I couldn’t believe it. All his naps are contact naps (on my chest or in the sling) and we cosleep or chest sleep every night. Failing to see how we can get him to do anything else.
  2. T

    Baby won’t sleep in his cot

    @gavenv Do you think he’s too old if we introduce him to it at 10 weeks old? We’ve never swaddled him so it would be a new experience. Tempted though if two of you have suggested it!
  3. T

    Baby won’t sleep in his cot

    @harrison19 We’re exactly the same - it’s the only way to get any sleep. Also same re the cot. I get about 10 good minutes before he starts screaming and I have to take him out and then try and hold him and push the pram one handed! So annoying. I hope things get easier for us DJ!
  4. T

    Baby won’t sleep in his cot

    Feel like I’m slightly screaming into the void here but my 10 week old baby won’t sleep in his cot at night and I’m starting to go stir crazy. He does fairly decent chunks of sleep overnight (two of about 3/4 hours each) but only if cosleeping. When he was younger this was easier (I mean I...