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    How do I break feeding to sleep association?

    @allfree15 We fed to sleep from about 4 months to 12 months and around then our ped started to suggest we shouldn’t because of the impact of the milk on her teeth over night. Her suggestion was to feed, then give pacifier or feed then give water in a bottle instead of milk. The water advice may...
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    Having a toddler while pregnant is so rough, can I just complain?

    @infomommax I’m 14 weeks with a 22 month old and weeks 7-10 were soooo tough. I felt so guilty about how grateful I was to send my daughter to daycare, and my husband solo parented so much. I threw screen time limits out the window. Think about that you’re not the only one in survival mode, the...
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    What’s the obsession with teeth?!

    @meanstreak60 I love that. If it’s any consolation, my daughter didn’t get them until 9 months and then got seven yes SEVEN in one month. She got her first just before Christmas and by the end of January she had 7. She’s 14 months and still only has 7. When people made comments like “any teeth...
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    My bonus was pro-rated to deduct my maternity leave

    @mh86 My company also prorates performance bonus for maternity leave. Merit increases (raises) are not pro rated to my knowledge. It sucks and I really want to push back and ask if we pro rate for the parental leave offered to non birthing parents (4 weeks, I took 16 months as the birthing...
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    My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

    @willyt1562 My 2022 baby was born 2/23/22 and my husband gave insurance the wrong date. Do you know how much insurance uses a birthday to identify a person and then how many other organizations use that date? Every time I call the ped I have to give her birthday and then say “but you have it...