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  1. D

    Am I a petty coparent?

    @classicnostalgia I’ve sat through days worth of trials for parenting matters and I’ve seen more trivial things come up; like sorting out specific times for phone calls even. Again, the fact that the kids were already in these sports and want to continue to do them is what’s going to matter...
  2. D

    Am I a petty coparent?

    @classicnostalgia You’ve very clearly never gone to court. First, the upended status quo is from dad refusing to take the children to events they were already attending. Did you not read that part? Second, changing a custody exchange to add that mom is able to take the children to their sport...
  3. D

    Am I a petty coparent?

    @childofgod001 She’s paying for it and said she’s fine with that, just not fine with paying for it only for half of the classes to never be shown up to. Usually because it’s his time the the court would simply say that and leave it as so, but in this case they have already historically been...