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  1. L

    My 3 yr son's teacher sent home this note, and it's crazy

    @dylanrowe1 I’ve seen this kind of writing before from college students. People really underestimate the way writing is different for kids who grew up texting. Punctuation and formal grammar tends to be deliberately omitted when a person is aiming for a friendly tone. People who type in...
  2. L

    What's the best advice I can give my 7 year old girl about being bullied on a school bus, by someone who used to be her friend?

    @levanthai The best defense against someone who thinks they’re funny is to be better at it. You don’t need to give advice. Start teaching her comedy by playing games with her and showing her some comedy. An easy one is rhyming irritatingly in response to teasing. I don’t like your dog. -...