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  1. K

    Notes on childcare, revisions

    @rockhopper72 It’s hard to carry out RCTs, but there are plenty of ways to do quasi-experimental designs (difference-in-difference, regression discontinuity, instrumental variables, etc.) on this type of topic. I don’t think it’s fair to say Cochrane throws the baby out with the bath water for...
  2. K

    So overwhelmed with options! Please help

    @selda I don’t with the original or revolution, as long as I have her in tightly enough. She’s very light for her age though (18 lbs, 14 months). I do find that my back gets sore with the onbuhimo, though.
  3. K

    So overwhelmed with options! Please help

    @selda The website isn’t great. I’d recommend checking out the Facebook group for real life photos and videos since that will probably give you a better idea of what they actually look like. I am from Wisconsin!
  4. K

    So overwhelmed with options! Please help

    @selda I’m not aware of any list, but after trying a couple carriers my personal preference is Happy Baby. Most are made of linen so they’re fairly cool, and I find them much more intuitive to put on and adjust than other carriers. We’ve had several caregivers and nannies figure out how to use...
  5. K

    Feeling low

    @topazio You’re the boring parent to your son, and that’s a great thing. You are the dependable, safe adult who he can always count on and take for granted. Your husband is exciting because he’s not always around and because his attention is more conditional. It’s hard to be the boring parent...