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  1. M

    Success with twins measuring differently at 6w?

    @newlife1700 The 7000 HCG at 5 weeks sounds like a GREAT sign! And 6wks is still super early so I think fetal pole would be hit or miss. I know how stressful this process is and waiting another week is like excruciating. We were TTC for yearss with losses and I’m currently 28wks with twins...
  2. M

    First trimester with twins… how did you get through it??

    @quinntanyad Oh my goodness I am so sorry you’re going through this. I’m now 29wks w twins and feeling much better, but through week 22ish had awful HG and it was hell. Vomiting 15x/day and so nauseous 24/7. Multiple ER trips for dehydration and Zofran drips. What wound up helping was getting on...