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    Vaginal v CSection Birth

    @ntlfr8 Ask yourself this. If baby A is head down… and you push them out. But they can’t turn baby b. Do you think healing from two different births is easy with twins?
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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @fab01 Yeah, my twins are my only ones as well.
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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @fab01 Would you do it again the same way? Most twin mom’s who had to do birth say if they had to do it again they would have just did a c section.
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    37 weeks, twin girls, natural or section?

    @lisajcoleman1 Both my babies were breech. So c section. Here’s the thing… You had a detailed natural birth plan, but when you found out you were having twins, did you not look up how much lower the rates of a natural birth were for them? You should have. It’s lower. You need to shift...
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    What are your best mind blowers for kids under 5?

    @asmith2 This one makes me so uncomfortable though. lol