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  1. J

    Is it selfish to have kids with large age gaps, 10+ years?

    @aog17 Haha, my youngest brother was actually born just a few weeks before my son was! They don't share a lot of interests (my son is a video game nerd, and my brother is very sporty/outdoorsy) but they get along like cousins. It was a little bit strange going through pregnancy at the same...
  2. J

    Is it selfish to have kids with large age gaps, 10+ years?

    @aog17 I'm the only child of my parents' first marriage, and I have one brother 11 years younger than me on my mom's side, and my siblings on my father's side are 19, 22, and 24 years younger than me. My relationship with them is different, more of a nice/nephew dynamic than a sibling one, but...
  3. J

    what are children 4-7 y/o into?

    @hakqiu for us, as soon as they could stack blocks we gave them duplos, and as soon as they stopped shoving everything in their mouths they got regular Legos.
  4. J

    Do y’all also do this to your kids?

    @only_a_being He doesn't have an ADHD diagnosis because his parents don't believe in it. Do you really think that's the supportive kind of parenting that would teach him how to be self-sufficient by now?
  5. J

    Do y’all also do this to your kids?

    @only_a_being 13-14 is 8th grade. And yeah, OP could make the lists, except he's said he doesn't know what needs to go on it, this is very typical behavior/knowledge for his age. And doubly so if he has ADHD.
  6. J

    Do y’all also do this to your kids?

    @gspfever08 Yeah, I think some people missed the part where OP's 14. This sounds very typical for my middle schooler and all his friends. Kids forget stuff, and it takes time to learn what chores need to be done when after having your parents mange it all when you were younger!