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    When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

    @christiangirl94 I stopped tracking nappies pretty quickly but I still tracked milk for about 4 months since my sons feeding pattern was pretty erratic. Stopped tracking sleep at 6 months because it was absolutely meaningless and was just causing me stress. If I have another baby I’ll probably...
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    Is my baby broken?

    @trivalee Thank you so much for your reply. That makes a sense. My son has been having a longer afternoon nap but maybe I should try switch it around since he’s not sleeping well at night.
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    Is my baby broken?

    @trivalee Sorry to butt in here, but is there a reason for this? I’ve read that it’s better to have a longer afternoon nap but I guess that information was wrong?