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  1. P

    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @bbbeatt Thank you for your story. I will recommend recording her because we have the same problem. No one believes us (especially on this subreddit lol). Hell, I didn’t even believe my girlfriend at first. Now I know…
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @nikkie7 Wow. Thank you so much for your story. My girlfriend has expressed these exact concerns. She has said, “Right now, she is doing bad kid stuff (stealing/lying/etc.). But how long until she starts doing really bad things (promiscuity/drugs)?” This does sound a lot like Kaia. Luckily, she...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @godstruth I know she was diagnosed with ADD as a young child and her sister with ADHD. My girlfriend has made it clear to the clinicians involved the struggles she is going through. They have made multiple suggestions, but none of them work. Not one, including the doctor overseeing her suicide...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @arealshirt You’re right, that is above and beyond what is normal for a girl her age; that’s what is so scary.
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @itwasntme I’m surprised I didn’t respond to your comment. Thanks for trying to be helpful. As I said in other comments, I too understand why everyone takes her side…hell, I kind of took her side in the beginning. Luckily she isn’t as bad as your stepson…yet. My girlfriend half-jokes as well...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @spelunker11 Two questions: how old were you when things started getting really bad and when you threatened suicide, were you actually suicidal?
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @ligeorannen She was diagnosed with ADD as a young child. I would hope her psychiatrist has made an assessment on whether she is ND or not. But based on the little information we are allowed from their psychiatrist and therapist, she just tells them what they want to hear and doesn’t think she...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @timetopreach I very much agree, excellent insight. My girlfriend recently had a health problem which keeps her from going out, but I’ve tried to pick up the slack, especially for Kaia.
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @danielnewlun Well, thanks for ummm, absolutely nothing.
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @alexbright922 Not doing her chores, not doing her homework, stealing (headphones, sweaters, pens, almost anything she feels like), lying…well, she usually isn’t punished for that, it’s just annoying when we say there will be no punishment, we just want the truth, and she still can’t do it. She...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @alexbright922 Thank you for your thoughtful response. I will definitely think about the food thing. It feels almost (almost) impossible to keep junk food out of these kids’ hands, but I will discuss that with their mother. As for the end to the punishment: the standard with the family is to...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @livingstonlakshmanan Jesus, you people are incredible… I’m talking about sodas, candy bars, cupcakes. And even if I was talking about a sandwich, many parents would be pissed if their kid started chowing down and then wouldn’t eat dinner.
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @kaykay8 “Check your biases.” Good god, I hope you’re not a parent, you still haven’t even learned how to talk adults. “Compassion is needed here.” Where is your compassion?
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @ckp737 Any of the above listed problems. There’s a new one everyday. But one example would be: she stole an iPad from school (plus she’s already on a previous restriction from using the internet except for homework). We caught her using it in her room. So, I said that she has to wash the walls...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @whatisthetruth7 I was just quoting the comment I was responding to…relax.
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @waywardson No. I said she lies, cheats, and steals all the time to get what she wants. Her mom told me she might be sociopathic. I assumed she was just using hyperbole because based on everything I’d seen, she seemed pretty normal to me. But now after moving in, I see the real Kaia...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @waywardson Thank you for your insight. I will definitely let their mother know so she can make more informed decisions. My girlfriend has been asking her therapist for family sessions for quite a while. However, they have been denied because Kaia “isn’t ready.” And trust me, if we go off of...
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    My Girlfriend’s 12 y/o Is Out of Control and Threatening to Kill Herself!

    @waywardson I agree with almost everything you said, except for me breaking her trust. I moved in about four months ago, let my girlfriend take the lead, and would never dole out a punishment off the cuff. I let her mom do it after we’ve spoken or we do it together. As for finding compassion, I...