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  1. P

    "Does she behave?"

    @sullero Yeah, my heart sunk reading it. A 6 month old baby is still so young. She (the baby) can't even comprehend why she is getting hit at this age. Not that my feelings would change if the baby was older.
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    "Does she behave?"

    @sullero Ugh, this the worst. I genuinely don't trust anyone around my baby because everyone thinks this. I even read on my fb mom group once how a mom would "pop" her 6 month old baby for misbehaving! 6 months old. How can a 6 month old even misbehave? What drove me insane was the rally of...
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    I struggle when hearing friends talk about sleep training..

    @viclarita1234567 I also just wanted to add. I felt this way too before my bub was born and something happened after he was born that I just felt I had required less sleep. It was bizarre. But we also bedshare. When he was like a newborn I think th least amount of sleep I'd get was 5-6 hours but...
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    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    @beardedbloke Thank you! I needed this. 💓
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    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    @2reshane My oldest has started speech therapy, and his language is picking up a whole lot. I think you might be on the nose about him being a quiet guy in general. My second is also much, babblier, lol. Thank you for this. It does make me feel a little better. 😊
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    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    @godsendwoman06 Thank you for this! I definitely have had issues with my iron in the past, which made me feel super bad, and since I have started on an iron prenatal vitamin. I used to be so much better about daily exercise but I really need to prioritize it again.
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    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    @animore I should be able to soon because I have to take the car twice a week for my son's speech therapy. The only hurdle before is that I would have to wake the kids up so early to get my husband to work. They would obviously for good reason be cranky for, and it is hard on me and very...
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    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    I am posting this here because y'all are by far the kindest and most supportive parenting community. I am a SAHM and I think I might be in burnout but I really do not know. I feel like for the past few months I have just been coasting at home. I feel like I don't pay nearly enough attention to...