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  1. D

    I'm 16 and my dad makes have dinner at 7 PM and go to sleep by 8 PM. Is that normal?

    @keepy My pops was like that too with me and my siblings before me.Dinner at 6pm,bath and bed by 7pm and get up by 5am/6am for school.Now,my daughters get up at 6:30 am since school stop accepting at 9am(open at 7:30am),eat dinner at 5:30pm-6:30pm,bath at 7pm and bed at 8pm.My pops still gets up...
  2. D

    Do you give your children medication (e.g. Tylenol) when they have a fever?

    @jaxson Fever are the worst for kids including how colds and flu be spreading around in schools.If my 5yr old and 4yr old have a fever that is making them feeling too hot,they'll be rush to the hospital and be prescribed for over the counter medicine.My 5yr old have not no problem to take the...