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  1. C

    Stop f*cking telling me I’ll change my mind

    @i_love_you_lots Thank you so incredibly much! ❤️
  2. C

    Finally got the “when are you giving him a friend” from mom

    @isika It gets annoying but I just laugh it off. My answer is never.
  3. C

    Stop f*cking telling me I’ll change my mind

    @i_love_you_lots It’s really hard. I’m on continuous birth control just in case I got pregnant again. It’s also for my endometriosis as it’s the only thing that keeps me from constant bleeding. I beat the odds after losing 3 in miscarriage my husband and I were completely shocked when after...
  4. C

    Finally got the “when are you giving him a friend” from mom

    @isika Mines now 9, I STILL get asked by total strangers when I’m going to have another. It’s never going to happen. Never ever. Life is awesome with an only!
  5. C

    Stop f*cking telling me I’ll change my mind

    @i_love_you_lots My daughter is 7, I could build a brand new house for the amount of times I’ve heard “you’ll change your mind…” It’s been SEVEN years I’m infertile and I really really don’t want to go into the fact my uterus is broken and that it’s by choice we stopped at 1. There’s a whole...