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  1. C

    Daycare is NOT associated with behavior problems in 10,000+ children across 5 countries

    @damacri Thank you for posting this! My 4.5month old starts daycare tomorrow, and this is reassuring.
  2. C

    7 year old using the N word

    @joejoe58 Haha, that reminds me of trying to look up the f word in the dictionary. Merriam-Webster failed me on that day.
  3. C

    Does my baby actually know I’m mom?

    @kenmax I haven't tested this theory, but I agree. Mine started at 3.5 months, and it didn't phase her a bit. Now she's 10.5 months, and she'd be Very Upset if I left her with people she didn't know. And she's never even really done the stranger danger thing, she's cool with new people, even...
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    F*&! daylight savings

    @katrina2017 OMG, I hate you. My 4wk slept for about 4 or 5 hrs last night... because we both fell asleep while nursing. O.o
  5. C

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @loreec I did at ~1.5 months, but mostly because the pediatrician wrote it out for me, lol. We didn't follow it perfectly, but it helped for me to have a structure to aim for. If the baby is hungry, I don't starve her until it was time. And if she's sleepy, I let her sleep. But offering her food...