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  1. L

    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @elizabeth12 She is fever free….and will be 24 hours med free by this evening at 7 pm. I just personally like temps below 99.0 so I have been on the fence. But she’s below the medical fever threshold for her age by a whole degree. Assuming she doesn’t have a spike, she will be med free for 36...
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @tariqkj12 Already done for all of us. Negative.
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @katrina2017 If I could get consistent naps, I definitely would. But ironically, she naps better when she doesn’t feel well. So Monday, I got a great nap out of her. Yesterday and today….nothing because she is feeling better. Today she is singing and dancing and bouncing all over so I think we...
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @11224456 He has used vacation time. And has dug into his own FMLA leave for some chronic health issues he has. It’s just been a hard year and we are all tired. He’s doing his best and would love to be home. But we also need to keep his job and paycheck.
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @sadastronaut Ugh. I’m so sorry! That’s always the luck.
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @roadtrippin69 Definitely wouldn’t send her if she is miserable! Promise! She’s been bouncing off the walls today. Refused a nap while she pretended to be Elsa at the top of her lungs the entire “quiet time.” Yep….that’s my kid.
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @fromofold Thank you! It’s been a tough week. Lots of snuggles during meetings while the camera was off and just desperately trying to keep up. But today she is doing so much better! Even though she is bouncing off the walls a bit, I’m still so relieved she is feeling better. Hard to watch her...
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @alh1992 Thank you! Definitely play based and no field trips tomorrow. Just a normal day at daycare/preschool.
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @sanegirl My doctor doesn’t really want to see them with low grade temps unless it has been at least 3 days. Coincidentally, my kiddo’s yearly check up is scheduled for tomorrow anyway. So if her fever hadn’t cleared up, I was planning to just have her seen then.
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    @winsomebulldog A few months ago, an ear infection might have been my first thought. She got tubes in her ears in January and hasn’t had an ear infection since. Wish we could have gotten those sooner but the ENT made us wait.
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    Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

    Sorry if this is not appropriate to ask here but i figured other working moms would understand this situation better than anyone. My kid has had some sort of bug this week. This is the fifth time this year I have had to keep her home for 2+ days. It’s been pink eye or respiratory viruses and...
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    What are your "do it all" life hacks?

    @holyspiritleads2truth Outsourcing what you can. I currently outsource meal prep for dinners and landscaping. Waiting to see how taxes pan out this year and then hoping to have some money in the budget for a once or twice a month house cleaner.
  13. L

    Update: Full on crying my heart out tonight

    @magling Happy crying for you and your sweet boy. thank you for sharing. ♥️