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  1. K

    Complex ovarian cyst?

    @kiranlee It’s a complex cyst is all they told me with followup needed in six weeks. So I have five more weeks of not knowing. I would like to think that with modern medicine they would’ve been able to tell us if it was ovarian cancer, so because we didn’t get that diagnosis off the bat, I’m...
  2. K

    Complex ovarian cyst?

    @kiranlee No symptoms at all. I’m 36. “Complex focus with thick peripheral mild echogenicity and central hypoattenuation overall measuring 1.6 x 1.5 × 1.6 cm..” How old are you? The more I read about complex cysts the more they worry me
  3. K

    Complex ovarian cyst?

    @kiranlee Hello I’m in the exact same boat as you with a 6 week ultrasound scheduled after finding a complex cyst on my right ovary. Plz update when you can. I’m googling while my daughter is sleeping next to me. This stuff is scary!