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  1. R

    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @cornerstoneeg That makes sense. Hang in there!
  2. R

    So. Freaking. Burnt. Out

    @cornerstoneeg Honestly, I was in the same boat and felt the same way. When my twins turned 3, put them in preschool full time and I went back to work full time. I am so much happier. Like, I get a lunch break now!!! I feel your pain. Have you considered going back to work even just part time...
  3. R

    9 weeks PP with twins - pre-e, preemies, NICU stay, etc.!

    @swordland Thank you! I've got a boy and a girl! I'm already mentally preparing myself for NiCU time. If I give birth after 32 weeks the hospital closer to my house can handle it. If it's before I'll have to go to their Seattle location, which is about 40 minutes away. I plan to breastfeed but I...
  4. R

    9 weeks PP with twins - pre-e, preemies, NICU stay, etc.!

    @swordland Thank you so much for sharing your birth story! Your daughters are perfect! I'm currently 28.5 weeks with twins and really starting to feel it. I'm up 32lbs and wondering how much more I will gain. Hoping to make it at lest 36 weeks but I know lots of twins are very early and I worry...