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    Working parent rant

    @mariasmith Lol. All good points , people seem to get a kind of amnesia or maybe its wanting to paint themselves heroes of their stories.
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    Working parent rant

    @yuppers Yes, this!! The older generation expecting to have things done f3oe them and 'taken care of' , I guess it may be fine other times as they earned it or something, but to expect that from a mom of littles , sometimes with a husband who also expects to be taken care off! I better get off...
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    Working parent rant

    @raneubb Love that especially how she is also a built in mom pal.
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    Working parent rant

    @waka That sounds like a dream. Hope I can do that for my kids when the time comes.
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    The Mostly Good-Enough Husband

    @kingdomkings Im awful at this, like most posters I get stuck in the 'but he is at 51%' and want to give all the mediocre achievers undue credit. Ifbonly more men could learn how to be mediocre as a start....