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  1. M

    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @516angelnell Fwiw my pregnancy with my (now 5 year old) daughter, my doubling time went from 438 to 1367 at 43 hours to 3584 4 days later the doubling time was 70 hours. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    Does HCG actually slow down after 1200mIU/ml in a healthy pregnancy?

    @lucia398 Fwiw my pregnancy with my (now 5 year old) daughter, my doubling time went from 438 to 1367 (43 hours) to 3584 4 days later and the doubling time was 70 hours. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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    PPROM Update - Birth Story (kinda positive!)

    @marouane Hey! I am so glad y’all are doing well too! Thanks for being there with me. So grateful for the internet connecting those of us in unique situations. 🫶
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    PPROM Update - Birth Story (kinda positive!)

    Unicorn PPROM Story, 28w to 36w induction for vaginal breech birth ended in c-section and NICU stay (water breaking early and staying pregnant afterwards) Hello! I was looking all over for PPROM stories (water breaking early) when it first happened to me, so now I’m going to share my...